Friday, November 12, 2010

banner voor GARillaz

ff wat in elkaar geflanst.


  1. I like the GAR font u used there.
    but its still missing something.

    ;D like a baddass painting

    and maybe a sharpness filter???
    wait what? ;D

  2. *not seeing the banner*

  3. hmm... like the idea, but the sketch and the letters are totally not a picture together, they're just two different things... Maybe if you could use the green or red effect in the sketch of the gorilla, it would be more coherent. I think that would make it cooler

  4. Ok… just wanted to give the site some flair… it least I tried, can’t say for you guy’s >:0

    but it sucks I know...Did not really spend much time in it.

  5. i say kerst vakantie contest? because lloyds compensation problem he kicked ben so we need to build our own banners. thanks lloyd.. Ben doesnt have shit to do
    we do..

  6. misschien moeten we met z'n allen één banner maken. een beetje het zelfde principe als Art Stitch.

    dan kan iedereen zeggen "ey, die is van mij"

  7. ja en kijk hoeveel mensen daar aan mee hebben gedaan :P kerstvakantie contest klinkt leuk btw :)
    ik denk dat je van je banner meer 1 geheel moet maken want nu heb je links wat en rechts wat. hope it helps
