Friday, December 10, 2010

Left 4 GARtist

my first thumbs looking for a zombie type/ability

im going for a gasman, it sprays toxic gasses or creates a gas explosion if it gets touched by fire


  1. sounds like an Boomer, Smoker and Spitter rolled up in one zombie...oh snap, dont want to meet that creep! thumbs looking gud.

  2. Psssh, do some reasearch, play the game!

  3. I'm afraid i'm going to have to agree with Robin on this one. The special Zombies in L4D 2 are quite well thought out. This one sounds like a Boomer, except with fire.

  4. boomer does puking and goes boom this dude is gonna be breath toxic gas so u cant melee wack him cuzz ull breeth in the gas and he maby might be able to create a gas cloud around him or mist like so u cant see shit tear gas w.e

    the exploding part is just a part, if u look at it a realistic way, it would explode when it comes in contact with fire.

  5. and i havnt seen a gas using zombie in L4D

  6. true true, but the mechanics are the same... you can't whack a boomer cause he goes boom. and when he pukes on you you can't see either.. plus if he explodes around fire thats a plus for the players, since they usually use fire walls to kill zombie. Unless of course you play with some idiot that always sets the fire off too soon... which really sucks. I'm not saying its a bad idea but the character isn't that different in terms of what the basics come down to.

    ex : witch is like a mine
    jokey is disorientation
    smoker is a little harder since he's like a sniper trap kind of deal
    hunter is a trap, like quick sand, seeps life juice.
    spitter is a sniper barrier maker

    you'r guy sounds like s disorientation mine??

    btw, what does L4D 1 have as far as specials... i never played it?
    thumbs look good and varied man so there's no worries there. Just refine the mechanics of character. :)

  7. L4D 1 has Hunter, Smoker, Boomer and Tank... plus better characters and campaign IMO ;)

  8. echt naadje, ik heb de game niet en ook niet gespeelt... kan helaas niet meedoen met deze contest :s

  9. Misschien een mooie kans om L4D te gaan spelen? Geniale games zijn het.

  10. moeste ook een schip maken voor Sky Pirates 2... die had ik ook nog nooit gespeeld :(

  11. OOOOOWWWW lloyd just shut it down son!
